Work/Moroco Chocolate

When we partnered with ambitious luxury chocolatier limited core graphic elements had been designed, but with little consideration for long term strategy or articulate brand story.
Like a hyperactive kid on a sugar high, the brand was challenging to pin down. But clarity came once we identified unique tension between contradictory qualities, which we ultimately synthesized to create the distinctive flavour of the Moroco brand. Once brand strategy, logo refinements and guidelines were devised, we created an end-to-end visual system across a family of applications - including packaging, print, digital and environment.
Brand strategy
Creative brand development
Creative content creation
Creative copywriting & naming
Collateral design & development
Photography & illustration development
The brand business ambition was to be world-renowned
– a leading-edge, contemporary purveyor of chocolate products and services, set apart from competitors. To achieve this, we set out to stretch minds and stimulate senses, infusing the best balance of tradition and innovation.